The Daigles

Last Sunday the granddaughter of Willis Daigle contacted me asking for my help searching her ancestors.

Hi, I’m out here in Louisiana. I’m wondering if these are the same Daigles you went above and beyond researching. Also I’m currently trying to connect the dots with Oak Alley Plantation and Laura Plantation with the Daigles. Any ideas?

She had this three-page document her grandfather Willis had written about his ancestors.


She told me later she had a story to share if I was interested. So with her permission, this is her story…

I would like to share this.

It all started about a year ago. I had bought a painting from a garage sale for five dollars. It was a huge tree and I don’t know why but I was obsessed with it. I spent countless hours staring at it just meditating on it. It started falling off the wall randomly. The past month, it has probably fallen off my wall at least 5 times so though I thought I might have to get rid of it but I love it and I knew I wouldn’t. Two weeks ago, my fiancé, our two boys and I went on a tour at Oak Alley Plantation. As we were walking around, I mentioned the painting to my fiancé. How the trees look like the one in my painting and he agreed. He took a picture of me and the boys next to the tree I was sitting at.

The following night my picture fell down again. My friends were over, so one friend decided to Google the picture. I was in awe when I found out. It was a picture from Oak Alley. Then my fiancé pointed out that it was the tree I was sitting next to when I stood up to take the picture.

So I took that as a sign to start


Next time, it will be my turn to dig and share what I have found.