Our Ancestors II

Keeping the memories of our ancestors alive

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Upgrading Our Ancestors II would cost $99 US per year.

If I were rich enough I would upgrade and you won’t have to suffer some ads like these…

I have no control on what pops up on my blog.

I’m not a gambler, I don’t sell cars, I am not a dentist and I have no problem with Celebs who are gay.

I just wanted you to know…

Writing on Our Ancestors II, which is a sequel to Our Ancestors, is what use to link people with their ancestors.

Most every day I get either a comment from a reader or in this case someone who has been following me since 2012…


Genealogy runs in my veins… Take 2









Warning ⚠️

This might be a little compliqué mes amis.

I take genealogy very seriously you know…

He does…well most of the time.

That famous detective is my alter ego.

Any genealogist who tells you he or she is 100% sure of his or her research on your ancestors is 100% wrong.

We are never 100% sure. I always find errors I have made when I search for your ancestors and mine for that matter.

This being said, I have always considered myself as an amateur genealogist and I have never accepted money from anyone for what I have been doing since 2007…

I am just helping people reunited with their dearly departed and sharing my research on WordPress with a free account. That’s the reason you will see unrelated ads popping out.

I have no control on them unless I go with a free ads blog which would cost me $99 US per year.

Please no Go Fund Me…

A few years ago, I got a 23andMe DNA test as a gift from my third cousin Alyce. I couldn’t tell her not to do it because the package was already in the mail.

Sweet Alyce wanted to thank me for bringing her ancestors back to life.

Everything I found about her ancestors is on Our Ancestors which has more than 1600 posts.

This is a lot of posts mes amis…but not only on Alyce’s ancestors.

Meet Idala LaGasse, his son David LaGasse and his cousin Léo Lagacé Senior…

There are thousands and thousands of images on Our Ancestors, mostly old pictures like my 2nd great-grandparents Honoré Sauvé and Julie Leroux who without knowing it jumped started my addiction to genealogy.

My famous 2nd great-great grandparents since 2007

So I spat in the petite tube reading the instructions very carefully and sent it to 23andMoi.

When the results came back…

Lo and behold Alyce and I had no common cM (centiMorgans). How could that be!!!

C’est une longue histoire mes amis…

That’s a long story…, But I digress.

Julie Leroux, I first thought, was the link with my new 4th cousin once removed Agnes Clara Lalonde seen here on a 1920 census page.

Agnes is said to be 17 at her last birthday. We all know she was born on November 12, 1902, in Altona County, Michigan. She would turn 18 later.

In 1920 this Lalonde family was living in Rogers Townships, in Presque Isle County, Michigan.

This is the Salonde (sic) family as transcribed…

John (Jean-Baptiste) Lalonde is a salesman in a grocery store. His wife Clara (Precor) is a saleswoman, whom I imagine is working in the same grocery store. Agnes is a servant. Her older brother Arthur is a laborer like Benjamin. Catherina, Hector and Rose are at school except the youngest ones: Victor, Marie, Alice and Woodrow.

Getting back to how I am related to Agnes Clara Lalonde…

Agnes Clara Lalonde and I have these two common ancestors, Guillaume Lalonde and Marie Madeleine Hélène who was in fact Sarah Allen captured in 1704 in Deerfield, Massachusetts.

Deerfield, Massachusetts?

Which brings along this question my 5th cousin once removed asked.

I also have another question that comes from Grandma Agnes Lalonde…

My mother has always told me that Grandma Agnes Lalonde was part American Indian…

Do you have any knowledge of this?


To be continued…

Clara Lalonde, Summer of 1934


By the way Agnes Clara Lalonde is also related to Honoré…

Agnes Clara Lalonde 1902-1981
4th cousin 1x removed

John Baptiste Lalonde 1875-1954
Father of Agnes Clara Lalonde

Anna Lalonde 1850-1906

Mother of John Baptiste Lalonde

Jean Baptiste Lalonde 1823-1890
Father of Anna Lalonde

Pélagie Martin dit St-Jean 1794-1825
Mother of Jean Baptiste Lalonde

Jean-Baptiste Martin dit St-Jean 1753-1813
Father of Pélagie Martin dit St-Jean

Catherine Martin dit St-Jean 1791-1875
Daughter of Jean-Baptiste Martin dit St-Jean

Honoré Sauvé 1822-1899

Son of Catherine Martin dit St-Jean

Breaking News – 23andMe Update

Pierre (5th cousin once removed)…

That’s how I have signed my email upon receiving an old photo.

Not this one.

This one…

Ordinary people who are related to me by these two persons…

George Lalonde

Anna Lalonde 

Some people want to be related to famous people. You won’t find “famous” people on Our Ancestors II

Well maybe this one…


Honoré Sauvé and Julie Leroux would have been forever forgotten when my aunt Evelyne died a few years ago.

She had kept old photos of my uncle Florent’s ancestors and relatives. Florent was my mother’s brother.

Florent is in the back wearing suspenders…

Florent wasn’t a famous person unless you would have been at the funeral home in St-Lazare to pay respect to a quiet man, whose quiet actions in life made him famous to people whom Florent had touched their lives..

I am always overwhelmed when I go to a funeral home. People are talking like they are in a big family reunion.

In 2012 there were cousins I had not seen since 1989 when my mother died.

Florent of course was present with Evelyne at my mother’s funeral in Ste-Justine-de-Newton.

I can’t remember the exact date of my mother’s funeral. It was in early October 1989. I remember seeing cousins I had not seen in 20 years. Most of them are seen here on this old photo.

I can identify each one…

My mother is on the right.

In 1989 I had no interest in my mother’s ancestors until ma tante Evelyne handed me two plastic grocery shopping bags filled with hundreds of old photos…

I had to identify who was who.

This was one of them.

Honoré Sauvé and Julie Leroux don’t have a headstone in Ste-Justine-de-Newton cemetery. I have erected a virtual one on Find A Grave with a note…

I know they were buried in Ste-Justine-de-Newton. I have copies of the parish registers.

To be continued…


I got mail – April 2023

My virtual friend Joe is honoring La Famiglia for 2023. Joe wrote…

My intention was for the 2022 calendar to be my last. However, with the recent passing of my mom it was obvious that I needed to do at least one more calendar. And yes, she appears more than a few times.

April –

Dorothy Miller Spina (L) also (C) and May Gertrude Barrett. No idea on dates for these photos. Dorothy (1919-2009)  is Dorothea’s mom, and May (Nanny Gertrude to you, 1894-1964) is Dorothea’s grandmother.